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Our Mission & Vision

The SSDJ Foundation is a family trust, using it’s own funds and overseen by family members. It does not seek external funding nor does it payout any monies to students.

Rather the Foundation has been set up with the following objects:

  • To identify Keen, Ambitious, Bright Learners (we call them KABiL) who may be deprived of their academic pursuit due to social, economic or other constraints and to assist them by providing needed financial support & mentoring.
  • To provide Education, Specialised Coaching , Tuition support and Skills Development to enhance KABiL’s capability to compete at par with their more endowed counter-parts
  • To create an online platform for KABiLs to interact with SSDJ Foundation, Mentors & other KABiLs.
  • To provide an online platform for Success stories from KABiLs, to provide General Guidance relevant to Learners & SSDJ Foundation activity reports
  • To promote & participate in impactful programs including partnership with other organisations who have similar goals.
  • To promote long term sustainability: Develop good work-ethics, long term vision, activity audit & organizational structure to win general trust, respect & dedication from servers & served.

Message from Chairman

Rishabh Kumar

Talent is a necessary ingredient of the well-being of any society.  Talented ones among the well-to-do prosper & get ready to serve society on their own steam.  The talent among the not-well-to-do segment of society, however,  generally remains dormant or gets lost for lack of external financial or other support.

I have spent my last 3 decades, on an individual level, spotting talented gems among the economically weaker section.  I have had some satisfaction observing several such spottings to bloom, which otherwise would have been largely lost to oblivion.  Simultaneous to this satisfaction, I also realized the limitations of such a search on a personal basis. To overcome this limitation, the SSDJ Foundation came into being. The Foundation depends purely on the family’s own contribution which is designed to last in perpetuity. To maintain focus & to have a visible impact, the Foundation tries to limit its services in the geography of Panipat.

The Foundation has been working since mid-2022. The Foundation selects students from economically challenged families:

  1. Keen,  Ambitious,  Brilliant Learners (call them KABiLs) based on CBSE 10th grade result;
  2. Any bright student facing financial distress at any stage of their educational journey in any field of study.

The Foundation guarantees Tuition support for the entire journey of studies in India, provided of course that the student maintains good grades.

The Foundation has also realized that the KABiLs from deprived back-ground additionally need confidence building activities.  With this in mind the Foundation conducts special programs to instill a belief of “Hum Kisi Se Kam Nahi“. Among others, English speaking courses, Sport events are being conducted where KABiLs freely interact with their more fortunate counter-parts.  Plans are afoot to introduce similar mixed groups for guided web browsing & out-door explorations.

While working with kids from less aware families, the Foundation discovered the need for assistance for kid’s medical needs with respect to eye-glasses, hearing-aids or dental care.  The Foundation now provides free testing & fitting for eye-glasses, hearing-aids & dental-bracing as prescribed by qualified specialists.

Above are baby steps.  The SSDJ Foundation dreams of a leader coming on board with skill, vision & energy to create a premier institution of contemporary technology & serve the community & nurture KABiLs.

Thank you. 
Rishabh Kumar

Our Partners

Application Form

Application for Financial Assistance in Education

Application for Assistance in Purchase of Spectacles

Application for Assistance in Purchase of Hearing Aid

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